My Zines

What is a Zine? Well, a zine is a DIY magazine. Often made using a cut and paste style. I love making zines because it gives me the ability to tell a story, share knowledge and be creative with my hands. Ofcourse you could also create a zine digitally, and sometimes I do, but I prefer getting down and being elbowdeep in glue.

I will try to upload all of my zines here in the nearby future.

In my sparetime I give ZINE WORKSHOPS, and I always up for doing more of these, so contact me if you are interested. For example I gave a couple of workshops to Waar Zine De Vrouwen and Queer Space.

In the banner you can see the zine I made for Queer Pride Ghent, you can download the HQ version to print HERE!

Below are the first 10 pages of the Girls go BOOM manifesto that I helped to write and did the lay-out for. The entire manifesto is available on demand.